Please join for a live chat session on
Wednesday night at 9:00-10:00 P.M. EST.Since we have a great group of regulars here, Jenn had an idea to make the first chat an open forum so that everyone can become acquainted. Since we want to make this as interactive a place as possible, it will be a great opportunity to hear about you! Also, we need to get some input regarding chat topics and preferences so that it is something worthwhile for you to attend. Please join us for an hour or even for part of the hour.
When you come to the site tonight, look below this announcement and there will be a large post. It will look different than the rest, and will have a "Play" button in the center. Click that play button to enter the chat. You will enter a name, and that is how your comments will be displayed.
A couple of notes about that chat:
1) The chat is moderated, which means that your comments won't appear until cleared by the moderator, unless I give change your settings to allow
unmoderated comments. I will do that for as many as possible, but there is a limit on how many can be granted that instant transmission. It is
the one real downside to this chat function.
2) Please refrain from anything uncivilized. I don't think anyone who is regular will create problems, but there are trolls and gremlins lurking from time to time.
3) Please be patient as I conquer the learning curve moderating the chat for a number of people. This chat function has been tested with just a few, but I am sure it will take a few minutes for me to get comfortable with the controls.
Enjoy! Please let us know your preferences for topics, times, days, and anything you think would make the blog better! Thanks for joining us tonight!
Anyone who's a conservative should be there and participate in the event! If you can't attend, please invite a friend or two to take your place.
Christopher Hamilton
The Right Opinion, for the Right Wing
I shall be there :) booooooo ya!
If I wind up NOT at work, I'll stop by! :)
I'm sorry... I'm your newest member, but I'm not going to be able to be here. Wednesday night is one of our Church nights. I usually won't be able to participate in evening events. Most of my blogging or pc work of any sort is done in the early morning. I'm an early bird, so I'm not a night owl. If you held a chat room meeting at 6:00am I wouldn't have any problem with it! LOL! I do understand that most people who blog here probably hold daytime jobs where they can't blog, and so must do their chatting or posting in the evening. Since we're here 24/7 because we are retired and run a farm, it's different for us. We work hard, but we work for ourselves and don't have to leave the house at any set time.
We will miss you Gayle! There is a little chat thingamajig, on the sidebar that you can check out once in a while to see who is here. Robert is an early bird too, but I am a total night owl. Well cross paths one of these days! LOL
count me in - but how do i join the chat?
We post the chat thingy as a regular post and you just pick a name and join in. I know that is a crappy explanation, but I hope you get the gist of it.
I will post a couple if instructions tomorrow so you can see when you come in. It is easy...I jsut ask everyone's patience as it is moderated chat to a small degree, so work with me while I conquer the learning curve presented by a bunch of people.
Jenn and I have tested it with a couple of others, but if there are 10 or 12, (or hopefully 50!) then it will take a few minutes to get the hang of it from the production end.
After the defeat to the Messiah Conservatives need to find their way once again, interesting blog..
Can I start trouble? I'm good at that.
I knew the peanut gallery would show.....
Patrick, isn't trouble starting the entire point of blogging, or am I way off base?
Utah, thanks for dropping by. Hope you find that we are a great regular place to join for discussion and interaction.
Patrick....We would be insulted if you didn't! LOL
Besides, Robert can't be the only trouble maker here! :-)
Sorry, I missed it.....reading as usual and didn't remember.....
Robert and Jenn,
Thanks for putting this event was great fun and i truly enjoyed having a chance to chat with the regulars and some of the staffers.... you guys rock!
Can I drop in as yall's token liberal. :D
BB....where the heck have you been?
To the links on right, drop me a line...
The chat feature was well recieved and maybe we can do this weekly-ish...Thanks to all who participated!
Robert I totally spaced the chat last night. We were putting up the tree with my nephew and I didn't even think about it until I hit the bed at midnight last night. I hope we'll have another.
Steph, there will be many more, if last night was any indication. Join when you can, but you have your priorities in order...
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