When one declares oneself to be a conservative, one is not, unfortunately, thereupon visited by tongues of fire that leave one omniscient. The acceptance of a series of premises is just the beginning. After that, we need constantly to inform ourselves, to analyze and to think through our premises and their ramifications. We need to ponder, in the light of the evidence, the strengths and the weaknesses, the consistencies and the inconsistencies, the glory and the frailty of our position, week in and week out. Otherwise, we will not hold our own in a world where informed dedication, not just dedication, is necessary for survival and growth.
William F. Buckley Jr., Feb 8, 1956, NR
Oops. I would wipe this out but since you all are having fun in the comment section.
(Note: This was originally blank, but I had to add something.)
Short post!
So by this post are you saying that there's nothing more to say? Or that what the opposition is doing isn't worth a response?
This is sort of like going to a protest rally and holding up a blank sign!
I like it.
Perri your a riot.
I saw right through it...
Hmmm...you don't say.
Blank verse.
Faster to read.
No words to slow you down.
Maybe this is the new silent majority !
Better blank than the overly descriptive four-letter words describing the monstrous spending that Congress is burdening the taxpayers with...
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